How it works

Easily add and manage your preferences

Easily add and manage your preferences

Personalize your experiences with companies you love by sharing insight into your likes and dislikes. Manage all of your preferences in a personal secure vault. It takes seconds and in return, the companies you frequent can then tailor their products and services for you.
Connect With Your Favorite Companies

Connect With Your Favorite Companies

A personal rolodex for your favorite companies and brands. Easily manage preferences, messages, perks, important information and links.
Elevate your experiences with personalized VIP service

Elevate your experiences with personalized VIP service

It’s hard to believe but even the world's best companies have very limited insight into their own customers' likes and dislikes.

Imagine letting your favorite restaurant know exactly how you like your steak cooked or the temperature you like the room at when you arrive at a hotel you have never been to before. Unlock your preferences and be a VIP!

Artificial Intelligence built into Here is What I like learns from your likes and dislikes and begins to assist with personalizing your recommendations and experiences.

Lock and Unlock your preferences for specific companies. You are in control

Lock and Unlock your preferences for specific companies. You are in control

You are the architect of your next experience. One click and your favorite companies and brands have access to your personal preferences. Share preferences stored in your vault or easily complete guided prompts from your favorite companies.
Submit Private Micro Feedback

Submit Private Micro Feedback

Help your favorite companies improve their products and services. Submitting constructive feedback about your experience is quick and easy. It's not a long winded public review but a short (micro) private message sent directly to management.
Receive VIP Perks and Exclusive Access to Events

Receive VIP Perks and Exclusive Access to Events

Get rewarded for sharing valuable insight and data. Easily manage and redeem all the VIP perks, special events, discounts and promotions provided by your favorite companies and brands.
Invite and connect with your friends

Invite and connect with your friends

Connect with your friends and gain visibility into their favorite companies, VIP status level, stats, awards, and number of perks received. Let companies know that you’ll be arriving together as a group so they can check your preferences before everyone gets there.
Show off your VIP status

Show off your VIP status

The more you engage with your favorite companies the quicker your status level upgrades to the next level. Show off your VIP status to friends, family, and business associates. Company staff is also alerted of your status as you interact with them.

Your Preferences are Secure

  • End to End Encryption

    End to End Encryption

  • Tokenized Offsite Data

    Tokenized Offsite Data

  • Bank Level Security

    Bank Level Security

  • Intrusion Prevention System

    Intrusion Prevention System

  • CloudFlare Firewall

    CloudFlare Firewall

  • Field Level Encryption

    Field Level Encryption

  • Zero Trust Network

    Zero Trust Network

  • Hardened Infrastructure

    Hardened Infrastructure