How it works

Customers share and unlock personal Preferences with your company

Customers share and unlock personal Preferences with your company

Real-time deep insight into your customers' likes and dislikes. Current and future customers are opting in to share and unlock their personal preferences with your company. Get access to valuable data you never had but always wished you did.
Create custom preference prompts specific to your brand

Create custom preference prompts specific to your brand

Obtain high priority customer preference information specific to your company's products and services. Easily create personalized preference requests to guide the inputs of your current and future customers.
Receive private Micro feedback

Receive private Micro feedback

Do you realize how many customers love or hate your products and services but never take the time to write a long review on Yelp, Trip Advisor or other platforms?

Here is What I Like fills this huge gap and allows short private feedback to be submitted directly to your management. Dramatically enhance and improve your products and services with this inside information.

Deliver Highly Personalized Experiences

Deliver Highly Personalized Experiences

The driving differentiation between you and your competitors is knowing what your customers want and making their experience unique and highly personalized. Here is What I Like delivers customer insight and data that is not available in any other form. Utilize this insight to crush your competitors and treat every customer like a VIP.

A 2021 McKinsey Global Institute report found that 71% of consumers expect companies to deliver personalized interactions and 76% get frustrated when this doesn’t happen. A brand’s ability to deliver these personalized interactions is only as good as its data.

Your entire staff instantly has access to rich customer profiles at their fingertips

Your entire staff instantly has access to rich customer profiles at their fingertips

Whether you have 3 employees or 3000, instantly display customer preference data on employee cell phones, tablets, computers, TV screens or any other device in any location.

Allow your staff to provide the highest level of customer service by providing them real time access to each customer's personal preference information and detailed profile.

Merge and integrate shared Preference data with your existing software

Merge and integrate shared Preference data with your existing software

Here is What I Like provides a user friendly interface to quickly access customer preference data. Open API’s are also provided that allow your company to seamlessly integrate with your favorite POS, CRM, PMS or any other internal system. Easily sync customer preference data and display alongside your existing workflow.
Know when customers arrive at your location

Know when customers arrive at your location

Your preferred staff will receive an alert as soon as a customer arrives at your location. Powerful Geolocation capabilities enable your staff to be prepared with customer preference information at the optimum time.
Provide VIP perks as a benefit for sharing preferences

Provide VIP perks as a benefit for sharing preferences

Incentivize your best customers for sharing valuable data with your company. Easily share customized deals, coupons, discounts, and perks with your VIP customers.
Highlight your preferred booking and reservation channels

Highlight your preferred booking and reservation channels

Customize your company profile with preferred links that drive direct bookings and interactions with your customers. Enhanced content management, photos, tools, and profile editing abilities coming soon!

Customer Preferences are Secure

  • End to End Encryption

    End to End Encryption

  • Tokenized Offsite Data

    Tokenized Offsite Data

  • Bank Level Security

    Bank Level Security

  • Intrusion Prevention System

    Intrusion Prevention System

  • CloudFlare Firewall

    CloudFlare Firewall

  • Field Level Encryption

    Field Level Encryption

  • Zero Trust Network

    Zero Trust Network

  • Hardened Infrastructure

    Hardened Infrastructure